Testing chambers


Growth chambers, otherwise known as phytotrons, regulate temperature, humidity and solar radiation, including daybreak and dusk for a long-term simulation of the day/night cycle. Weiss Technik manufactures phytotrons of several sizes, from standard cabinet chambers to large walk-in rooms. Simpler chamber types with multilevel shelving systems for growing, for example, arabidopsis, are also available, as well as highly accurate and powerful chambers that can achieve more extreme conditions.

600 to 2000 liters
Temp range:
+4 to +45 °C
Humidity range:
15 to 95 % r. h.
Radiation type:
fluorescent/ LED
1000 to 2100 liters
Temp. range:
-10 to +45 °C
Humidity range:
40 to 95% r. h.
Radiation type:
acc. to customer’s needs
Temp. range:
4 to 45 °C
Humidity range:
40 to 90% r. h.
Radiation type: